Introduction to Web Development


12 weeks


9th-12th Grade

School Level


Starting Rate


Level 1

Students will learn how to code websites. They will learn how to use HTML and CSS codes to create their own websites. They will learn different techniques intended to help them customize, organize, and style their websites.

Level 2

Students will learn Javascript codes to create their web-based good looking and interactive games. By the end of the class, students will have a strong understanding of the most popular web development language, Javascript. 

Live sessions with an experienced teacher while you code!

1x week at $149/month


2x week at $199/month


5x week at $399/month



Level I


Introduction to HTML and CSS

Lesson 1: HTML Tags

Concept: How to use HTML tags

Lesson 2: HTML Attributes

Concept: Improving HTML with attributes

Lesson 3: Styling with CSS

Concept: Introduction to CSS

Lesson 4: Links and Images

Concept: How to add hyperlinks and images to web page

Lesson 5: CSS Selectors

Concept: Different types of CSS selectors

Lesson 6: Tables

Concept: Creating and styling tables

Lesson 7: Capstone Project

Concept: Put it all together project


Layout with CSS

Lesson 1: Layout Tags

Concept: Adding layout tags to HTML

Lesson 2: Navigation Bar

Concept: Creating and styling a navigation bar

Lesson 3: Header and Footer

Concept: Creating and styling a header and footer

Lesson 4: CSS Flexbox

Concept: Creating responsive web pages with Flexbox

Lesson 5: HTML Head Tags

Concept: Understanding the tags of the head section

Lesson 6: Capstone Project

Concept: Capstone website project

Level II


Introduction to Javascript

Lesson 1: Intro to JS

Concept: HTML javascript scripts

Lesson 2: Events Handling

Concept: Detecting and reacting to mouse clicks

Lesson 3: Web Forms

Concept: Creating and receiving web forms with JS

Lesson 4: Data Validation

Concept: Validating form inputs

Lesson 5: Project

Concept: Practice JS project


Javascript Language

Lesson 1: Variables and Conditionals in JS

Concept: Variables and IF Statements

Lesson 2: Functions in JS

Concept: Adding text to a PyGame screen

Lesson 3: Loops in JS

Concept: Using loops in javascript

Lesson 4: Arrays in JS

Concept: Intro to arrays concept

Lesson 5: Capstone Project

Concept: JS capstone project

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