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Intro to Scratch

In this course, students will learn to use Scratch -- a powerful yet beginner-friendly drag-and-drop programming platform to create their own games and animations.

Students will learn fundamental STEM concepts like events, loops, variables, and the coordinate system through immersive storytelling and fun projects.

No prior coding experience needed.


15 weeks



Introduction to Coding

Lesson 1: Intro to Scratch

Concept: Scratch platform and what is coding

Lesson 2: Sequence

Concept: Game flow and coding commands sequence

Lesson 3: Movements

Concept: Sprites movements and coordinate system

Lesson 4: Variables

Concept: Variables in coding

Lesson 5: Loops in Scratch

Concept: Loops


Customizing Assets

Lesson 1: Creating backdrops

Concept: How to customize a backdrop in Scratch

Lesson 2: Animating Sprites

Concept: Code to animate a sprite

Lesson 3: Drawing Sprites

Concept: How to customize and create your own sprites

Lesson 4: Broadcast

Concept: Broadcasting- communication between sprites

Lesson 5: Music Extension

Concept: Coding music tones


Interactive Games

Lesson 1: Pen Extension

Concept: How to code the pen to draw

Lesson 2: Home Screen

Concept: Coding home screen buttons

Lesson 3: Game Over and Win Screen

Concept: Customizing texts and designing screens

Lesson 4: Broadcast

Concept: Broadcasting- communication between sprites

Lesson 5: Music Extension

Concept: Coding music tones

Cloud IllustrationIllustration

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