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Python II

Level 2 Python Coding course will teach students how to create graphical applications and games using powerful Python modules, Turtle and Pygame.

Students will apply programming concepts they have already learned, and learn new coding skills to create fun games and applications, like digital visual arts, cube.oi game, and a paint application.


10 weeks



Creating Visual Art with Python

Lesson 1: Intro to Turtle Module

Concept: Python modules and turtle module

Lesson 2: Angles with the Turtle

Concept: Rotating and turning with Turtle

Lesson 3: Looping with the Turtle

Concept: Using loops to create patterns

Lesson 4: Making Decisions

Concept: Using conditionals with Turtle

Lesson 5: Creative Arts

Concept: Coding beautiful digital visual arts


Interactive Games with PyGame

Lesson 1: Intro to PyGame

Concept: Intro to PyGame module

Lesson 2: Boundaries Check

Concept: Conditionals to check boundaries

Lesson 3: Classes and Method

Concept: Programming Classes and Methods

Lesson 4: Events

Concept: Using events in PyGame

Lesson 5: Displaying Text

Concept: Adding text to a PyGame screen

Cloud IllustrationIllustration

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